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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏




Our ITFS Hub offers a toll-free solution to corporate entities across the globe to enhance their customer experience in Oman and beyond. With a strong customer base and high service availability, we offer a robust service with guaranteed quality and near zero down time.


Extend your reach

Our ITFS service helps you expand your business operations and reach out to a wider market delivering convenience, building reputation and developing customer loyalty.

Coverage and scalability

Easily activate the service at various locations; toll-free numbers originating from all GCC countries.

Flexible interconnection

Multiple IP connection options, including IPX, private or public IP ensure balance between cost, security and quality.

Consolidated billing and error-free routing

Single ITFS HUB solution for consolidated billing and error free routing.

Variety of communications features

We offer enhanced business features such as various call forwarding options, IVR systems, SIP trunks, virtual PBX, dynamic caller ID, call recording and more.

Customer care

Easy provisioning with an online tool used for initiating orders and providing 24/7 access to a number inventory. Our online portal allows you to quickly and easily report network issues.