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National Leased Line

you get a guaranteed transmission quality with a minimum of transmission delays.

The product is built on a robust
network infrastructure

and offers a high degree of possibility in the network. Designed transparent,
one can use both standardized and supplier specific transport protocols for the transmission.


Omantel’s leased line services are suitable for customers with needs for communication between two fixed addresses (point-to-point connection) and who have requirements for:
- Guaranteed bandwidth
- High transmission quality
- High degree of availability


Data Speed in BPS 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 14400 19200 64000
Fee per Tail End (OMR) 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25

Data Speed in Kbps 128 192 256 384 512 768 1024 2048
Fee per Tail End (OMR) 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 50

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.

Installation fees (only paid once)
Tariffs for 48 & 56 KBs will be the same as 64 KBs

Reconfiguration of digital leased Circuits
NTU for Terminal (if supplied by Omantel) Line (i.e. Circuit) per terminal

National Leased Circuit Tariff (Digital Circuits):

Monthly Circuit Rental in OMR including Tail Ends are shown in the following tables:

Direct Distance (Km) 300/600 BPS 1.2 Kbps 2.4 Kbps 4.8 Kbps 9.6 Kbps 14.4 Kbps 19.2 Kbps 64 Kbps
Within exchange area 36 40 40 42 48 50 81 90
00-100 54 63 63 67 77 81 117 130
101-300 61 81 81 88 105 122 171 190
301-400 78 104 104 115 134 171 225 250
>401 102 136 136 150 174 223 293 325
Direct Distance (Km) 128 Kbps 192 Kbps 256 Kbps 384 Kbps 512 Kbps 768 Kbps 1024 Kbps 2048 Kbps
Within exchange area 135 158 180 203 248 293 338 450
00-100 195 228 260 293 358 423 488 650
101-300 285 333 380 428 523 618 713 950
301-400 375 438 500 563 688 813 938 1250
>401 488 569 650 731 894 1056 1219 1625

All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.

These tariffs are applicable for customer terminals located within 5km from exchange.
Tariff for high speed 8Mbs and 32Mbs to be decided for each case separately according to technical considerations.


- A signed and stamped guarantee from the establishment undertaking to settle all bills related to the service. (This must should be on the official original company letterheads and NOT on a photocopy or a computer printout). Applications will be rejected in case of non-compliance.
- The original establishment's Commercial Registration Certificate must should be submitted along with the application and a copy attached.
- The original establishment's Authorized Signatures is to be verified and a copy should be attached (printout).
- The original PRO’s ID and Labour Card to be verified and a copy should be attached.
- A letter of authorization from the establishment to the PRO is to be attached.
- Company’s seal is essential.

For more information call 24 24 2888 or email us at business@omantel.om


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National Leased Line?

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How to apply?

For more information and how to submit the application, please send it to business@omantel.om or call 2424 2888