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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Image Quality Requirements

Below are the requirements for size and quality of document images captured by any device, which are necessary for successful image processing by Document Reader SDK:

‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Good lighting

Good lighting helps to achieve better OCR results. If the image is too dark or too brigh the document might not be processed successfully.

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Avoid reflections

Glares and reflections interfere with processing and reduce data extraction accuracy. We recommend not to use the flash of your mobile device when capturing document images.

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Focus and sharpness

Make sure the image is clear and there are no blurred areas.

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


The Angle Direction

The tilt angle of the document should not exceed 10 degrees in any direction (horizontal or vertical).

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Margins - too small

Make sure there is minimal space around the document. It is recommended that the document takes up 70-80% of the image.

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Margins - too big

Make sure the space around the document does not take up more than 20-30% of the image. It is recommended that the document takes up 70-80% of the image.

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Clear Contrast

The document should be in clear contrast to the background. A light-colored document on a light background, as well as a dark-colored document on a dark background, might not be recognized.

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Resolution of the image

To achieve a good quality of recognition of identification documents, we recommend that you provide images captured by a camera with a resolution of at least Full HD (1920×1080) and autofocus.

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


Extraneous objects

Make sure your hands or other objects do not cover document data.

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‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏


‏برنامج مشاهدة محتويات الانترنت‏
